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What to Expect When Grooming a Cat – Pandoras Pet Palace

What to Expect When Grooming a Cat – Pandoras Pet Palace

o talks about taking a cat to a cat grooming centre and what pet owner should expect when going to a facility. The groomer should first make your cat feel comfortable within a facility for grooming. It’s crucial to calm the cat to ensure that all grooming procedures are completed without reacting with clawing, wailing or trying to flee from an unsafe situation.

Next, the groomer will look closely at the coat of the cat for any discoloration. The groomer will eliminate the discoloration, and then restore the coat back to its original, bright and vibrant color. After that, the groomer will do some combing to straighten the hair. Cats will be comfortable while it is being groomed. The groomer will comb from the head to the tail while the cat is resting and takes care of itself. You can see other steps in the video. c17hhrli32.

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