There are numerous types of nerve damage. It is crucial to understand how and from which location.
The brain as well as the spinal cord are both part of the system of central nerves. A nerve is a collection of neurons that cluster together and attach themselves to the spinal cord. The spinal nerves join directly to the spinal cord. However, they are also part of the peripheral nerve system.
A crucial aspect to consider regarding damaged nerves is that neurons of the peripheral nerve system are able to regenerate. Since they are able to clean injured areas more rapidly than cells in the central nervous systems, it is an important point to remember. In a deeper look in the matter, if the cell is damaged, then the neuron will not be capable of regenerating.
One type of nerve injury is called Axonotmesis. When a portion of the nerve is absent this is known as axonotmesis. While a part of the nerve may be missing, the majority of the neuron’s outer layer is still intact. This allows for the neuron to replenish the area that was missing.
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