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Why Dental Care is Important For Seniors – Dental Magazine

Why Dental Care is Important For Seniors – Dental Magazine

en cleaning your teeth.

Drinking a large amount of water offers numerous benefits for your mouth. Water that is fluoridated, the natural cavity fighter, reduces the risk of tooth decay by strengthening the teeth. This is the most efficient option to guard your teeth from tooth decay. Water is also used for cleaning. Water can wash away food leftovers and prevent the multiplication of bacteria that can cause cavities. Water helps protect teeth due to acid formations, by dissolving the acid.

Saliva is 99% water. The mouth serves as a defense against tooth decay by storing saliva. Dry mouths are accompanied by low saliva. Dry mouth can lead to tooth decay. Drinking plenty of water is vital in order to keep saliva production at an optimal level. Water softeners should not remove fluoride minerals. Make use of water softening substances only whenever it is required.

Smoking escalates dental issues. Gum infections and tooth decay tend to be more common among people who smoke. Quitting can bring your dental health back to normal. It is essential to take care of dentures just like your natural teeth. It is crucial to maintain your dentures’ cleanliness to avoid further loss, inflammation or fungal infections.

Dentures are supposed to be brushed and soaked daily. The important thing is to thoroughly clean the dentures prior to getting the remaining bits of food debris. Always use a non-abrasive cleaner. Scrub all surfaces equally gently to ensure that there are no grooves in their surface. Dentures can be scrubbed clean using the aid of a cleaning agent to remove stubborn stains and plaque.

Your dentist should be informed about any medical concerns. This information is crucial to selecting the appropriate treatment options. It is possible that a procedure using anesthesia will not be feasible for people with high blood pressure. Informing your dental specialists provides them with enough time for tests to determine different options.

Many seniors might not be able to stick to all of these guidelines. Care assistants for seniors


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