Then lower the temperature of your water heater
When the temperature begins to drop it is essential to be ready for colder weather. There are specific steps homeowners can take in preparation for the winter months. A majority of businesses that handle installation of heating and air systems can instruct home owners to decrease the heater temperature. Lowering the water heater temperature helps you save costs, prevent cold-water pipe corrosion and lessen your chance of accidentally scorching. In preparation for cold weather, it’s recommended to lower your water heater’s temperature by 50% at 120°F/49°C. A factor that could cause problems during colder months is when homeowners turn on the faucets, only to be hit with hot water. This is because many people leave the water heater temperature at 140 degrees Fahrenheit (or 60°) Celsius that could create a scalding risk if someone were to run the hot water when adjusting the temperature of their toilet or sink. One solution is to lower the water heater temperature, so that the hot water flowing from your faucets to be at less temperature. This will prevent any scalding and save energy as less water is required for heating the water when it is in lower temperatures.
A furnace filter serves as defence against airborne particles, such as dust mold and pollen. A clean filter ensures that the flow of air through it, and is not blocked by dirt or other particles. They can also become filthy over time, which makes them less efficient at shielding the furnace against particle-laden air. They can also cause the heating system to use more energy to move air through the dirty filter. Filter obstructions can cause discomfort within your home as well as make it difficult to draw air through. twkle3kk8d.
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